Services for Creating Your Value Calculator

You Don’t Have to Go It Alone

My name is Greg Rice (LinkedIn). I am the Founder of Peripheral Vision, the provider of, and an experienced Strategic and Product Marketing Professional and Services Provider. I bring extensive value modeling expertise, a degree in Physics, an MBA in Marketing, and decades of experience communicating and quantifying the value of sophisticated business solutions.

I am here to provide you the help you need when you need it. Services range from quick introductory sessions on the Ivaluated platform, to calculator configuration or custom development.

Value Calculator Services

The Ivaluated platform is intuitive and you can get started right away independently and expect to be successful. Or if you would prefer, we can help. Need some guidance quantifying your product or service’s value? Want some tips on making best use of the Ivaluated platform? Need a whole custom calculator created for you? Let us know!

Contact Us to arrange for the services you need.

Ivaluated Calculator Setup

  • Quick Start Consultation. Quickly learn the ins and outs of the Ivaluated Editor and get some tips on modeling value.
  • Value Model Development. Work with us to quantify the most tangible value drivers of your solution and develop a compelling model that can be used in your Value Calculator.
  • Complete Value Calculator Service. Work with you, remotely or on-site, to create a detailed value model for your product or service, then use the Ivaluated Editor to set up your Calculator for you.

Custom Calculator and Interactive Content Development

The Ivaluated Platform provides a fast easy path for you to get a highly customized Value Calculator for your site to accelerate lead generation. Sometimes you need an even higher degree of customization including things like non-numerical inputs, a very specific look and layout, or calculations and outputs that go beyond ROI and Value. You may want a more comprehensive tool for later in the sales cycle. We can manage, develop a model for and code a custom calculator for you.

  • Project Management: We will work with you to understand requirements, establish a timeline and costs, and manage execution to completion.
  • Model Development: Our experts and your experts collaborate to lay out “the math” and the workflow for the interactive experience you want to provide for your prospects.
  • Development: We take the requirements and model and code your calculator for you entirely.
  • You Own It: Upon completion we will deliver the finished product you. You own it and can host it and make changes over time, or if you prefer was can host it and update it for you as needed.

Contact Us to arrange for the services you need.

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